Saturday, December 24, 2011


Apparently I'm having a very philosophical day. This thought started when I was taking a dump, and wondered if other people have the same thing going on that I do- that it's easier to bear down when my leg muscles are not being squeezed between a ceramic toilet seat and the bones of my leg. I realized that to ask this question would be considered rude, and possibly disgusting, and that all people would consider it TMI (too much information).

Then I realized that pretty much every bodily function is considered "TMI". That we label "TMI" when it's something that we either A) Don't wish to picture, B) Think is too personal to discuss, or C) wish it didn't exist. And that a person's reason for thinking bodily functions are TMI could be any one of those three. Some people find that what goes on in the bathroom is a deeply personal affair, and don't wish anyone else to know about it, and don't wish to know about anyone else's. Some people are affronted by normal human activities, and wish the things didn't exist at all. And others just have such a mind that anything they hear is automatically pictured in detail, and they don't want to picture such a thing, whether because they find it personal, disgusting, or abhorrent.

Personally, when I find it to be TMI, it's not because I'm offended or upset by it. It's because I know that others might be. Because part of me knows such talk is considered "inappropriate", and "inappropriate" is part of what caused my childhood situation. Hence, I attempt to avoid that which is considered "inappropriate". Especially because online, it leads some to believe that there is more going on than really is.

I am very open. Unless you know my name, or city, there is nothing you know that I don't mind other people knowing. Some of it, that which seems too personal, is just stuff that is difficult for me to talk about. Hence why I run into the whole "That was TMI, Luna" "Oh, I'm sorry" thing a little too often.

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