Monday, September 5, 2011

DnD again... YAY!

This one was weird. We started out without either the new guy (warrior) or the other not-as-new guy (jedi)... but we were in the middle of something. So, this is what happens:

-the door has just blown down. a black smoke fills the room. I attempt to move away from the door, but slow-down-stop effect takes hold. None of us can move or talk. The lady we're supposed to be stopping appears. She complains about us following her, then looks at the new guys and makes them vanish. Then she vanishes.

-we explore the stronghold. "Mike" goes into an empty room, strips down and rolls on a bear rug. We go down the hall, ignoring him, and open a door to get attacked by hobgoblins.

Here's where it gets weird. Most of my swings miss... and then we remind the dm that by standing next to the duskblade, I get the flanking bonus, which would have made those swings hit. Oi! Plus, I have no A/C, since she relies on her high HP to survive combat. They get a couple criticals, so I'm down to 13 HP out of 56 by the time we realize that the swings were supposed to be hits. Out of ten, we're down to the last four or five, and I swing my large greataxe and I know this time it hit even without the flanking bonus... and the DM's power goes out. We play on skype, because we're all over the place (three different states in the US, and one in the UK)


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