Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tantric Sex- you mean, that's not just how it's done?

Every once in awhile, I get people asking about "tantric sex". It sounds exotic. It sounds like... work.

I decided to look it up. Google led me to the following article:

"Tantra challenged the acetic beliefs of that time, purporting that sexuality was a doorway to the divine, and that earthly pleasures, such as eating, dancing and creative expression were sacred acts."

"Tantric sexual practices teach us to prolong the act of making love and to utilize potent orgasmic energies more effectively."


I been doing Tantric sex the entire time I've been sexual without even knowing it! I mean seriously.. when I have sex with a man, he is my god for that moment, and I am his goddess. We both do what we can to prolong the experience because it's so incredible that neither of us wants it to end. This is why I'm picky about my partners irl- I refuse to couple with anyone who won't take their time and do it right. Another requirement is some sort of mental/spiritual connection HAS to happen. And that's addictive. It also means that those men are left unable to couple with just anyone, because they start to need that deeper connection. I make sex special, and the men can't stand anything less than special anymore. (I'm not saying I'm the only woman who does, just that few do it naturally).

So yeah, "Tantric sex"? I thought that was just... sex, as it should be.

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