Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's working... IT'S WORKING!!!

My website, with the forum and everything, has been consistently viewable for the past couple weeks. Huzzah!

Now the only problem is how to make each part of my website show a different link... I will have to figure that out later. It's viewable, that's the important thing. Right? RIGHT!?!

I  had a slight problem with spammers the other day, but my partner and I managed to fix it. I figured out what I did wrong when I tried to delete the topics of the one dude. I deleted all his posts, which deleted his post without deleting the topic, so the topic was still there with no posts under it. Thus, the "this post does not exist" message. WEIRD. My partner showed me the quick way to delete through the moderator control panel. HOLY CRAP moderators have a lot of privileges. Now I understand why Amber doesn't let anyone else mod her forum. That's a LOT of trust to put in someone.

Also, I could've sworn that privilege was spelled privaledge... hm... *wonders if a word changed spelling on her*

You can find my website at : Don't be afraid to click any links on there, if it takes you away from the site it has target="_blank" .

Edit: That is no longer the correct link to my website. You can find the website at . Thank you for your interest!

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