Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Monday my period started and I got sick. I stayed up most of the night until my nose stopped being a fountain so I could sleep without drowning in snot, and spent Tuesday alternating between being awake and being asleep. On Tuesday, I couldn't eat anything because everything made me want to throw up, so I've been slowly getting my body used to food again for the past week, while I cough up flegm.

Today I went to get Paraguard, an IUD. They recommended that I take 800 mg of Ibuprofen, which translates into 4 pills of it, about an hour before the appointment. 15 minutes into the appointment, I got really woozy. I feel like I have cramps, and I'm still kinda bleeding. It might be a few days before I can cam again. I'm still really woozy, from lack of sleep, lack of food, and painkillers (after the appointment, I slept awhile, woke up to intense pain, took 3 more ibuprofen, and went back to sleep for another few hours).

I will be checking my hotmail and mfc mail, so if anyone is interested in the videos in my store but doesn't want to use clips4sale to purchase them, get in touch with me one way or the other. I'll let you know if I have it and what price it is (general prices are $1 or 10 tokens per 30 seconds, rounded to the nearest 30 secs. 14 rounds down, 15 rounds up, 44 rounds down, 45 rounds up. Unless it's one of my findom films, which are the ignore ones). DO NOT send the money before I confirm the price and whether or not I actually have the vid. Please do send the video title, description, claimed length, and filename, so I can verify, because there are a few on the site where I have a different video named the same as the title, but it's a different length and different filename.

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