Monday, July 2, 2012

False Impressions

I leave a lot of people with the false impression that I trust them. This is because I'm plenty willing to talk about the bad things that happened in my life if it's over a few years old. So I will gladly tell you about how I was threatened at 5, touched inappropriately at 6, adopted at 13, almost committed suicide at 15, lost my virginity about a month before my 20th birthday, and the problems I had with my adoptive parents all throughout college.

Why will I tell you these things? Because nothing can really be done about them right now. Sometimes I will get very emotional telling them. Sometimes it will seem like I don't care (inside, I'll still be shaking). But the point here is- I tell them to anyone. Anyone who asks questions that lead to that information being a necessary part of the answer will gain that information. So just because I shared it with you doesn't mean I'm granting you any sort of trust.

It if happened more than a month ago, chances are it's not all that crucial to me anymore, and I'm just trying to get it out of my system. But knowing what's actually going on in my life on a day to day basis? The things that can actually be changed at the moment? The things where you might actually influence what's going on? Those take trust to talk about.


  1. I feel like I do the same. I don't know if I give trust.... but stead people feel weird because I say personal stuff to them. Sometimes though... I just need to talk.
