Tuesday, September 20, 2011

DnD Hurrah!

So I finally got to kill the damn hobgoblin. The very last one we let go... well, not really, he was tied with a rope by Mike. He then proceeded to free himself and run down the corridor. The pixie investigated the bodies and caught fleas. Which are now invisible because of him being invisible. The pixie gave me a potion because I was looking rather bloody (I ended the fight with 13 HP out of 56).

Then we split up a bit. I went to investigate a room that turned out to be storage. Left when I found rats, but Mike explored it and found a magic rope to replace the one he found. Meanwhile, Kaine and teh Pixie found Goblins (might've been orcs... can't really remember which...). I join that fight, only to almost die, until Kaine heals me. I end that fight with a whole 12 HP, but luckily, level up gave me another 15. Whee!

That's actually where it ended this week. Mike joined up with us after the fight, and we now have a goblin? orc? ogre? pet. Pixie shot one with a memory loss arrow at teh beginning of the fight. We've named him Grog. (ah sound in the middle)

The group has decided to play the backup every other week, because our DM needs two weeks to plan a session with how much stuff he has on his plate. We decided to play main game next week, and then start the every other week, since we missed two weeks of DnD in a row.

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